Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Whew! What a day!

Yesterday was blissful, and fun, and exhausting!

We have so much STUFF now....and trust me, we had enough STUFF before! LOL

The girls were over the moon over many of their gifts, which made my husband and I very happy (its nice to get them things they will really enjoy, and won't be tossed aside quickly). I handpicked every gift they got from my those were all big hits as well! :-) I know my kids.

The biggest hits...a ball popper for the baby. Man, he loves that thing. A new X-games bike for my 8 yr old and a shopping spree for my 9 yr old.

Here are a few pictures:

This is SO Awesome! (I love this shot)

Here is my 8 yr old with her stuffed Yoda doll that my 9 yr old made for her.

Here is my 9 yr old with a new tradition we started this year, Rice Krispie Treat Christmas Tree's...they were very fun, and the kids all loved it!

As for me, and my AMAZING husband. I got a LAPTOP! It's AWESOME, and will allow me to spend more time on the computer, as my desktop is in our bedroom...and not easily accessible when the kids are all up because, well I can't sit in the back of the house locked in my room. But, now, I will be able to do things even when they are all up because I can be in the same room with them (provided they are all happily involved in other activities that don't require my assistance) and still be on here. Like right now, the girls are happily watching High School Musical 2 (a present from one to the other) as I type-the baby is happily napping.

I started a new blog as well, specifically dedicated to baby/toddler activities. Waterfront Preschool, not much going on just yet. I plan on starting more there in the coming week. Hopefully, I also need to prepare for the big consignment sale next week though, AND for the upcoming weeks for the girls. So, we'll see! I have one week already planned for the little man, but I will need to post it.

1 comment:

AmySue said...

Looks like fun all the way around! Congrats on the new puter - look forward to "seeing" you online more often!