Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thrifty Housewife

Stretching a chicken:

Sunday we had a "big Sunday dinner.". We had a whole roasted chicken, on a bed of carrots and onions. I made mashed potatoes with pan gravy. It was delish.

Monday I pulled all the remaining meat off the chicken carcass and put the bones in the crockpot with the few remaining carrots (there were no remaining onions because those are my favorite part!). Cover it with water and add whatever seasonings float your boat. I add bay leaves, salt, pepper, thyme and rosemary. Let it boil all day. I turn it off, let the crock cool, put the crock in the fridge overnight.

Tuesday, skim the fat (I make one I the girls do this) from the top, carefully pour the liquid through a strainer. Then I bag it up in one and two cup increments. Freeze. This is so great for me. I can use this broth in things for Four, which is awesome because of all his allergies.

Wednesday, shred the chicken meat, and prepare one of two ways. In the winter, I do chicken chili. In the summer though, I make a family favorite--BBQ chicken sandwiches. I put the shredded chicken in a pan, add as much BBQ sauce as you like, put in low until just warmed. Slice a loaf of French bread. Butter the slices. Place on griddle (I use my George Foreman grill) and top with a scoop of BBQ chicken and another buttered slice of bread. I serve it with fries (sweet potato or regular) and veggies-last night it was a pan of roasted broccoli but whatever you have or want will work just fine.

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