Thursday, April 25, 2013

Skinny Housewife: Roasted Parm/Mozzerella tomatoes

With garden season upon us, and the sorrow that I didn't get a garden started AGAIN this year, I'm going through recipes for things that I will be able to pick up from the farmers market over the next few months.

I had some tomatoes that I bought at Aldi (if you have one near you, and you haven't checked it out, I recommend doing so) and since One has become vegetarian we are exploring more veggie options--so the choice is working out for the whole family.

Find the original recipe here!

You know what's next, dontcha?

The changes I made:

I used roma tomatoes.  I used part skim mozzerella and just cut it off the block and put it on top of the tomatoes.  About 10 minutes in-I sprinkled on some parm.  The cheese melted all over the place, but they were SOOOOO good.  I will certainly be making these again over the summer when tomatoes are plentiful! Yum-O.

The Punk liked them a lot as well.  One and I loved them.  The rest of the crew wrinkled up their noses and I refused to waste any on them.  ;)

Also cooked last night were green bean fries.  Oh.  Mah.  Gah.  I could eat a whole bushel of them, but they aren't really a skinny addition to the diet...

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for hosting, new follower...hope you can follow back