Monday, August 11, 2014

Manic Monday

This "new" year is shaping up pretty well. Wednesday is the new Monday though with both boys co-ops meeting that day (this is completely amazing as they will be in the same location, back to back...which REALLY works for me!) Two will have guitar, the boys will be starting Tae Kwon Do and that will be on Monday and Wednesday, and One will have dance as well. That puts us leaving the house at 8:15 am, returning around 3:30. Leaving again at 7, and finally home for the night at 9. However, the big difference is that Tae Kwon Do is something that the boys WANT to do, so unlike bowling league it should be a much more pleasant day. 

It means I need my crock pot replaced as well.  Or we will relegate Wednesday night to SIMPLE meals. 

Two will also be starting basketball back and that wi involve two practices a week. Dates undetermined. 

I also will start teaching on Tuesdays in September. Putting me at working three mornings a week. Woohoo!!

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