Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lash Housewife: Unsloppy joes.

So. You all know I *try* to be healthy. We eat pretty well most of the time. BUT...BUT I saw a commercial the other night for "Unsloppy joes" and thought "why have I not had THAT??"

I made it so. And I was not disappointed. There are some ways to make this healthier....but I didn't do any of those. Let's be clear.  Lazy. That's the road I chose.

Shredded cheese. 

Yeah, that's it. It's pretty much as simple as it sounds. Make the sloppy joes. Scoop the slopy Joe mix onto a biscuit (spread it thin,) top with cheese, fold it over (I crimped it with a fork to help it stay together)
And bake. 

They were gobbled up by my family. Now-you can totally make the SkinnyTaste sloppy joes (the link to that recipe is HERE, and homemade biscuits and you've increased your "health-o-meter."  Or you can be like me and just buy it all in a can. 

Also of note:  Three and Four managed to make them SLOPPY. They took bites from both ends, allowing for it to ooze out of the ends when they took another bite. But for the rest of us, these were very UNsloppy. 

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