Friday, May 1, 2020

The Best White Bean Chili

Vegetarian White Bean Chili

We love chili in our house.  We make your regular run of the mill version of chili (beef, tomato, beans,) and a delicious black-eyed pea chili variation.  We have tried multiple white bean chili recipes over the years and just never found one we liked. 

Until now. 

This is the best one, BY FAR.  Even though the recipe is labeled vegetarian it is 100% vegan with no adaptations needed.  I think the marketing department just knows people flip out when they see the word vegan so they wisely held off on the label. 

We didn't make any changes to the recipe, except to add more spices as the recipe only calls for oregano.  *eye brown raise*  I definitely used cumin and chili powder, as well as some dried cilantro. 

I had a terrible migraine this night, and Two had to finish making it as I could no longer be upright and had to be at work later that night (where I cried because I was in a tremendous amount of pain, super fun times.)  I didn't get to eat any of it the first day, but she reported that both her and her brothers liked it a lot.  I got to have the leftovers the following day for lunch and they weren't wrong.  Yum! 

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