Thursday, March 8, 2007

Week of March 5

Another crazy week! Just when I think I'm cutting back and things will slow down....they don't really seem to be. How is it that I feel like I cut back, but the calendar doesn't reflect that? lol

Monday we had bowling league. Tuesday we had errands to do, and a friend called and asked if we'd like to run errands together with them and then have some lunch at the kids favorite place, it was great. Wednesday the baby had a check-up, and the weather was so beautiful that I just couldn't make the girls stay inside for school. Today, Thursday, we attended Table Game Day with our homeschool group, and again the weather is so nice, I've decided to let the girls play outside instead of coming in to do school. Maybe later when it gets cooler I can do some sit down work with them. Tomorrow is our Girl Scout meeting...which I still need to plan for...YIKES. I'm the Daisy leader, and I need to get my stuff together.

We haven't done much exciting stuff this week, because we haven't done much that could really be considered "school". Most of what we've done has been social skills? :-) I do plan on planting some pumpkins and some parsley and ordering some ladybug larvae very soon. So, there will be lots on our blog about that. We're doing a study on animal classification, and going to be moving into a unit on the body for Science in the next week or so. Ohhh, and soccer starts very soon too.

Our youngest student is doing great....smiling up a storm and happy doing his baby work each day! His head is measuring at the 97th try holding that thing up and see if it's not work!

Need to go....Daisy meeting to did it get to be Thursday afternoon and I don't have this done....ey yi yi!