Monday, August 20, 2018

Manic Monday

Well, well, well....

I've not done very well with keeping up with this.  I think about writing a blog fairly often, but then I just never sit down and take the few minutes to knock out a post.  Insert obligatory statement about how I will do better *here.*  Meh, I'm gonna try guys.

Today I have a Monday off.  It's the last Monday before school starts for my boys, and we really have nothing planned because I'm a lousy mom.  Summer has come and gone and we didn't do very much at all.  We went to the trampoline place, and we hiked.  IDEALLY, I'd like to go to the zoo over the weekend, as we haven't been in a REALLY long time but as a one-income household (ok, technically I have 3 incomes, but I'm one person and those 3 allow me the equivalent of ONE person truthfully...maybe I should put up a post about how that math works) the zoo is expensive for 5 people (3 adults...but if you think I'm going to the zoo without my GROWN children you would be WRONG, WAY WAY WRONG) PLUS it's almost a full tank of gas to get us there.  We will see.

I'm trying to get back on track with my house.  We don't live in squalor but a little over a week ago I was thinking "Man, my house used to be SO clean."  Now, granted, back then I didn't work AND I had a partner who definitely did his fair share of housework.  But, still, since my kids are older now there is less clutter in the way of toys strewn about so I feel like it should be manageable.  So I went back to my roots.  I reminded myself of my old routines, and how I used to get things done and I did a rework of those routines based on current schedules.  For over a week now my "clean" laundry basket (I have one clean and one dirty basket lol) has been EMPTY.  Seriously.  Such an accomplishment.  *curtsies*  I'm trying to return to the world of meal-planning as this is a spot that I've not only dropped the ball, I lost's somewhere in a ditch, deflating as we speak.  Truthfully, I'm at the grocery store probably 4 times a week.  I loathe the grocery store.  But I've been so terrible at planning ahead that I have no choice.  I typically decide at around 2 pm what we are eating for the day and have to run to the store for what I need.  Also, this is TERRIBLE for the food budget since the closest store to me is more expensive AND I am guilty of impulse purchases.  Trying to get a handle on this and bring out monthly budget down is a big goal.

So there you have it.  Summer is over.  I'm trying to regain control of my house, and my grocery budget and I've so far successfully managed to gain control of the laundry.  Small victories my friends.  Small victories.

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