Monday, September 24, 2018

Manic Monday: Update

Well...I got another job.  Truthfully, people think I'm crazy.  But the honest truth is I've created a work schedule that allows me a lot of flexibility and that is currently what is the most important to me.  I've had opportunities that would have given me this much income from ONE position but it would have ripped away the flexibility and it would have caused me to give up some things that I LOVE. 

Currently, I get to take my boys to school one morning a week (better than none,) and I get to pick them up EVERYDAY.  I get to spend the nights that they are home with me, with them and I work when they are gone. 

Four. I'm on the payroll of four different companies.  I work around 45 hours a week (and I'm barely making it financially, factually) but I get time with my kids.  They will be grown up soon enough and won't care about my time and THEN I will change the way things are...but for now this CRAZY schedule I work allows me exactly what we all need. 

Someday I may write about the romantic part of my life...I'll just say:  It's complicated and crazy, but I'm currently in a good place. 

Housework is manageable thanks to a return to flylady.  I personally have developed a schedule that works for me by focusing on one room a day.  I'll share more about this on Wednesday.  As long as my kids are gone during the day, I can keep up.  When they are home (and they were home all last week because of the hurrican aftermath in our area) it's a different story. 

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