Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wordy Wednesday: Housework Schedule

I know that I enjoy looking at other people's planning, as it oft times gives me a jumping off place.  I love flylady's site, and my home used to be CHAOS.  I've been a recovered CHAOS member for years now, thankfully, but still slip every now and then. 

For me, I work an odd schedule, and so I have developed a plan that works for me. 

Monday:  Flylady's home blessing.  Essentially, get rid of the junk mail that accumulated the week before, magazines you've read or aren't going to read, wipe down the doorknobs and light switches, vacuum, sweep, and mop living areas, and change the boys bedding.  She also has "empty all trash cans" on her list, but we just do that whenever they are full. 

Tuesday:  Bathrooms.  I clean both bathrooms top to bottom on Tuesday.  Sinks, toilets, showers, and floors.  Wash towels.

Wednesday:  Bedroom.  I change my own sheets, dust, and vacuum my room.  Straighten up as needed. 

Thursday:  Kitchen.  This is on Thursday because we have trash pickup on Friday morning so the leftovers get tossed, and don't sit in the trash can outside for days.  Toss the leftovers, wipe out the fridge as needed, clean the stove, microwave, and floors again. 

Friday:  Living room.  Vacuum again, dust, and straighten up. 

Saturday:  I do nothing. Not gonna lie.

Sunday:  I do meal prep and planning on Sunday.   It is usually the only day I have off work (although, since I got this newest job I will be working some Sunday's now as well.)  This is when I make the breakfast items/baked treats for the boys for the week.  Make sure I have the things I need for all the dinners for the week, etc.  I don't do much cleaning though.  Put away any laundry I didn't do earlier in the week, etc. 

That's it.  It usually doesn't take me more than a half hour to tackle all the housework each day, which is good because time is precious and I don't want to give it up this way.  But it keeps the house maintained.  It looks lived in but not disheveled.  Like me. ;)

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