Monday, April 27, 2020

I don't know what day it is...

But I'm not sure if this is a COVID problem or a 3rd shift problem.  Let me check my phone. 

Hey!  Welcome to Monday! 

I'm going to share a recipe with you guys, as I've been cooking more during quarantine because for the first 3 weeks my boys were with me 24/7 so I had to cook literally every day.  I know a lot of you do this all the time...but I normally only have my boys half the time and Two cooks for herself (or both of us) a lot so I really only am required to cook a few times a week.  It has given us the opportunity to try new recipes though, and like the Vegan Stuffed Pepper Soup I shared last, this one is a keeper for us! 

Simple Vegan Taco Pasta

Here's what I changed, per usual. 

Better Than Bullion No Beef Base, Soyrizo and Vegan Cream Cheese are not things I can get in this little town I live in, so I just omitted the cream cheese and soyrizo and just used veggie broth in place of the bullion.  We put in "beefless ground" in place of the soyrizo.  Also, on my plate, I added cheese (because I"m not entirely vegan.)

I'd really like to try this with soyrizo, for the record.  I imagine it would be even better!  But with these changes, we all still REALLY liked this dish.  Highly recommend.  After quarantine, I can find all the necessary ingredients and will try it as recommended and report back! 

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