Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wordy Wednesday: Essentiality during Covid 19

This might turn into a tiny rant...sorry/not sorry. 

I'm so sick of seeing the COVID 19 Flu comparison.  Let me explain why I feel like they are so vastly different.  I know people throw around the numbers and yes, obviously, more people have died from the flu.  I get it. You can't dispute it.  Here's where the real problem comes in (IMO.)  When you have the flu, you know relatively quickly that you have the flu.  And you self isolate to protect the people you love, and the public in general even.  You do this without hesitation, without question.  You lock yourself in your room/house and you sleep and hydrate and medicate and try to get well.  COVID 19 is an entirely different beast because you can have it, and be carrying it around, for 14 days without a single symptom.  THEN bam, you're sick as hell and you've put everyone you have associated with at-risk unknowingly to you and them.  It's why self-isolation is so important right now.  Does it suck??  FUCK YES, it does.  But, the alternative sucks way worse y'all. 

Most states have implemented some sort of lockdown.  It is SUGGESTED that you shelter at home. The problem in certain places (I'm in NC and this is the problem I see here) is that there is no enforcement of this order, it's a SUGGESTION.  Stay at home if you can....ok YOU CAN, but you aren't.  I hate you all.  Just so you know. 

Our governor says don't go out unless you have to.  I work in a gas station, on an overnight shift.  Now, when officers, EMTs, nurses, firefighters, etc come through at those hours I have NO PROBLEM with making them food or selling them drinks/snacks.  You ARE essential, and I'm happy to help. 

Now, for you assholes in your PJ's at 3am ordering milkshakes...that's a whole other ball game.  Nothing about you being out and about is essential.  NOTHING.  You do not NEED a milkshake or an order of curly fries at 3 in the morning, you just WANT it and you are so self-centered that you are putting yourself AND others at risk to get it.  Yeah, I hate you. 

I come home from work in the morning, and I can't even hug my children.  I take off my shoes outside and leave them on the porch to absorb the sunshine and hopefully kill the germs.  I wave to my boys and go take my clothes off and put them in the washer, and go directly to the shower.  Only AFTER this process can I embrace my kids.  Do you know how much that sucks???  And there are so many people that have separated themselves from their kids altogether.  Sending their kids away, so that they aren't at risk (actually, something I'm considering because The Punk is working from home currently, so if the boys are with him they are less exposed.)  Four is immunocompromised and I'm the most worried about him, clearly, I don't want any of us to get it, but I'm worried that his compromised immune system and asthmatic lungs would make this virus much more likely to be deadly for him.

But your milkshake is more important than those people being able to be with their kids, right?  Your fries are more important than your own loved ones whom you are ALSO putting at risk, right? 

This whole pandemic has shown me how selfish we are as a society, from the hoarding of supplies to the going about your business as usual when told to stay home, collectively you make me sick (quite possibly accurate.) 

Essential employees are expected to show up.  I'm considered essential.  *can you feel the eye roll?*  Now, I'm not saying I'm not grateful for my job, I am.  It successfully pays my bills (and genuinely I like it!) But, the only thing I feel is essential about my business is the GAS part.  And you know what?  Our gas pumps function without our employees at all.  Other places that are deemed essential are also FAR FROM IT.

Unless you absolutely need it, now is not the time to go shopping for it.  Stay the fuck at home. 

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