Sunday, October 24, 2021

Changes are a coming

 In my 30 days of Blogging attempt, I posted about where I see myself in 10 years.  That post was largely about my job, and how I loved my job and wanted to continue with this company for many years.  

Well, that was my hope.  And, for the record, I do still love my job.  However, I don't love the schedule that my job requires.  It leaves 4/5 days of my work week with no life other than work.  I barely see my kids, and I'm too mentally drained after working that far into the night to be capable of doing much of anything.  As a result, I miss my kids, and my house is falling apart.  I just can't keep up with the housework.  My boys are quickly growing up (Three will be 15 in 3 months, and Four is 12 1/2!) and I don't want to feel like I'm giving up these last years with them.

So I quit my job.  To be fair, I asked for a schedule change and was denied.  This is the schedule I signed up for, so it is what it is.  I just hate it more than I could have possibly imagined I would. I agreed to work 4 more weeks when I put in my notice, and I've completed the first of those.  I lose a little bit of my soul every time I go there at this point, BUT I'm trying to stay focused on these coming paychecks getting me through Christmas.  Paying my rent a little in advance so I don't have to worry for those first couple of months.  And spending time with all my work kids (who I will miss, but am hopeful that the ones I'm closest to and I will see each other after this time.)

I'm going to miss a lot of the people (my team, and my customers) but I am feeling really confident about where life is going to take me from here.  I have no net, no parachute, but I'm jumping anyway.  Truthfully, I don't even feel afraid. And if you know me in real life, you know that I spent the first 40 years of my life making most of my choices based in fear so it's quite the 180!  Other people in my life are scared for me, and maybe at some point I'll hit fear, but right now I feel very at peace with the choice and confident that whatever is meant for me will show up.  Trusting the universe in ways that I have never been able to before.  

So if you know of a legit job that you think would fit me, let's hear it.  

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