Friday, January 1, 2021

Life Update

 The last life update was back in February, when I pulled Three from school and had moved to 3rd shift.  Then the pandemic hit, and Four was also home from school permanently.  I never slept.  I was one of those people who just couldn't sleep during the day.  I tried, but my body's natural rhythm just never changed and my body was always on some "It's awake" while my brain was on some "No, we have to be up when it's night, shut up and sleep NOW."  It was an everyday battle, and truthfully I never got more than a nap unless it was my night off.  So I was sleeping 2-3 nights a week and napping the other 4-5 days.  Good times I tell ya.  

School has been going beautifully for Three though, so that was a silver lining.  He began eating again, and has not really gained a lot of weight (he was severely under weight and the pediatrician was concerned about impending puberty) but he has shot up in height!  Both of his grandfathers were tall and lean, so I'm much less concerned about his growth.  He's taller than me currently, and his 14th birthday is in less than 2 weeks.  

School has not been going as beautifully for Four.  He's totally virtual as his health is always a problem due to a compromised immune system and severe asthma.  The virtual model just doesn't work well for him.  He does it everyday but he's bored out of his mind and his grades aren't great.  He's depressed, from not seeing people and there is no real end in sight.  

I got a second promotion at work (so 2020 wasn't so bad for me.)  This brought me back to a day shift!  I'm so excited, and I love my job.  I enjoyed my job before, don't get me wrong, I just couldn't take being on overnights any longer.  I'm looking for one more job change (still within the company I currently work for) in 2022. Just working my way around.  

Two just turned 21 last week, and that just feels INSANE to me.  She's currently working full time as well, and her brothers are having a difficult time adjusting to her not being home.  It's so sweet for me to watch though, as one of my MAIN parenting goals was strong connection between my kids despite the age gap.  Them all being sad about the lack of time together, while it stinks, it does prove that I was successful.  All four of them still really love being together.  Here's a photo approved by everyone for social media of all of us together the day after our Thanksgiving (which wasn't on Thursday this year lol) when we put up the Christmas Tree.  We assembled a gingerbread village, and listened to Christmas music and made my mama heart so happy.  

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