Monday, June 28, 2021

Birthday Projects: Project 3

 I love to be outside, but like writing it seems to take a back burner in my life.  45 is the year of getting my priorities in line.  I don't have a porch at this house, something that when I buy or build will be a necessity.  There is however a little patio out back, basic small cement patio.  I had purchased 4 chairs just before moving into this house for the back deck at my before house, and they made the move with me.  They just stayed stacked up in the corner of the patio.  Seriously, I think I used them twice.  In nearly 5 years.  

This is what the area looked like.  I unstacked the chairs for the purpose of the picture, but they were all stacked where that far back left one is in the photo.  And those are the broken down weathered bunky boards from the boys bunk beds that have been sitting there for nearly 5 years as well.  Complete with a vine growing up it.  

I looked into what I could do to these chairs, as I'm not just rolling in the dough ya know?  But I also knew I didn't want that faded red to be the asthetic of my new area.  I found on pinterest a brand suggestion for spray paint to redo outside items and was intrigued.  I found a color I liked, and then I found an accent color I liked.  I bought a small metal table from Dollar General.  While researching Project 7, I found the idea for using an old crib mattress spring as a plant holder and loved that idea too, that's the bright pink item standing in the corner behind the seating.  Outdoor rug from Target. 

Other additions are a snake plant and a cactus.  As well as a citronella candle because mosquitos should be the state bird here.  I hadn't purchased the plants for the holder back there when I took this picture, but they are climbing green and purple plants that I'm very excited about.  I also added a double shepherd's hook to hold a flower basket and a bird/squirrel feeder.  

I am so pleased with the area now, and I spend a good amount of time out there now which was the goal.

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