Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday snapshots

For 1st grade co-op this year, we've been working on Spanish a lot.  They did mariposa coloring sheets.

Enjoying a beautiful day at the park while Two had her guitar lesson.

After guitar lesson, the other homeschooled kids in our neighborhood came down and they all hung out in the yard.  My favorite part of this pic?  The kids are 18, 15, 14, 11, 7 and 4.  And they all spent a couple hours hanging out.  

My Friday night date.

Saturday afternoon date with Four.  We took a trip to the Durham Museum of Life and Science.

We had to read all of the educational boards on the Dinosaur Trail.

He is super sensitive to smell!  LOL

This was probably his favorite thing.  He is steering a sailboat on a pool of water.  You can just SEE the joy.

And playing a little music before we go!

Every now and then, my kids do random things that are so "me!"  This is one of them.  His feet up on the dash, just like mama.

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