Sunday, July 18, 2021

30 Days of Blogging: Day 4

 Day 4 is to discuss my religious beliefs.  

This is tricky to describe for me.  It's not really a religion. It's spirituality and lifestyle.  I'm a sage burning, crystal using, moon water making, essential oil blending, candle working kinda girl.  

Seriously, I carry crystals in my pocket on the daily.  I have several on my nightstand.  And even more in a case in my closet since I rotate them out based on the needs of myself, my friends, and my family.  

I don't really subscribe to any religion, just love of the universe and the belief that it will take superb and exact care of me.  I meditate daily, which by my definition is prayer.  It starts with gratitude and ends with asking the universe to speak to me and through me, to give me so much joy and peace that I can give it away to others throughout the day as they need.  

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