Wednesday, July 21, 2021

30 Days of Blogging: Day 6

 Day 6 is 10 interesting facts about me that most people don't know.  Hmm we will see how "interesting" they are...

1.  I've completed 6 Spartan races.  If you aren't familiar, may I suggest the google.  They are intense obstacle course races.

2. I'm a licensed fitness instructor.

3.  I'm a HUGE believer in astrology, because have you read your birthchart or did it READ you?

4.  I'm a fan of all genres of music.  Yes, all.

5.  I have seen Matt Nathanson in concert 6 times, and met him once. I have pictures to prove it.

6.  I throw myself completely into whatever the moment is.  This can be a terrible thing, as well.

7.  I have children's sized feet.  A 4 Y.

8.  I am highly allergic to cats, and just generally don't like them.  They freak me out a little.  But 18 months ago we got a cat.  And next Thursday we are getting another.  

9.  I have a piece of art that I painted in every room in my house.

10.  I love trashy tv.  

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