Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Snapshots

This week we celebrated 100 days of school by doing a "100 Poster" project.  They drew pictures of themselves at 100 (after viewing pictures of other people at 100 yrs old...thank you Google Images.)  They answered some questions:  What would you buy if you had $100, What could you eat 100 of, what would you NOT want to eat 100 of, I could do 100...  etc.

On Wednesday, my family (not the people that live in my house) made the trip to FL to have a funeral service for my Aunt Sue(y) since Fort Lauderdale was her home for many years, and was where her son was buried. 

Here are some pictures from the trip.  This is my mom, and my aunts, as well as my step-dad and uncles.  

I couldn't go to Ft. Lauderdale and NOT visit the ocean.  It is a place of healing and peace for me, and it only made sense to spend a little time there.  And I got to drive on the A1A (Beachfront Avenue!)  If you don't know why that's a big deal, we can't be friends.

A beach selfie.

And we made a trip by the only house I have any memory of my grandparents living in.  My last memories of my grandmother, my Uncles Ken and Larry, and my cousin Jimmy (who passed at 17) were all at this house.  It was good to drive by and see it.  My last memory of my cousin Jimmy occured in this driveway, so that was extra special.

I also had my first opportunity to visit my cousin Jimmy's grave, as well as my grandmother's grave.  Bittersweet, for certain.

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